Trump Flag Trump Hot 2021

After a failed legal attempt to reverse the election results against Democratic rival Joe Biden - who was confirmed by the electoral college on December 14, Mr. Trump will return to private life. its privacy. on January 20, 2021 with a series of new opportunities.

New opportunities include running for the White House in 2024 or new opportunities with the media. However, all of those opportunities are being overshadowed by potential legal risks as well as business challenges.

Life after leaving the White House of Mr. Trump is expected to remain "noisy, bustling". Photo: Getty
Life after leaving the White House of Mr. Trump is expected to remain "noisy, bustling". Photo: Getty
Only one thing can be certain: Mr. Trump's thirst for the limelight will ensure he doesn't follow in the footsteps of previous presidents like George W. Bush, who quietly turned to painting, or like Jimmy Carter is engrossed in global activities.

The future as well as the presidency of Mr. Trump is predicted to be quite "noisy, bustling". It also won't be entirely under your control.

Mr. Trump will face a series of civil and criminal lawsuits related to the family business and his actions before taking office - lawsuits that have been shelved due to security measures. Legal protection for Oval Office owners.

A former real estate agent turned reality TV star, Mr. Trump is considering several ways to ensure he remains in the spotlight even after leaving the White House.

To date, Mr. Trump has not given up and has repeatedly accused widespread election fraud. He told allies he was considering running for the White House again.

Mr. Trump's intentions are threatening the chances of many other Republicans also intend to run in 2024 such as Vice President Mike Pence, former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Senators Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton.

However, this may just be a move that Mr. Trump Flag wants to attract attention. The US Constitution allows presidents to serve two terms, but not necessarily consecutively.

To date, Grover Cleveland is the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms. He was elected for the first time in 1884, died in 1888 and was elected a second time in 1892.
Mr. Trump has formed a political action committee that will allow him to raise money and increase influence within the Republican party after leaving the White House, whether or not he is officially registered as a presidential candidate. are not.
Trump's desire to maintain political influence can be seen in his backing of close ally Ronna McDaniel to remain chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) for another term.

RNC members will vote at the end of January on whether to continue to have Ms. McDaniel as Chair. This will be an early test of Trump's influence in the Republican party and whether Republicans are willing to "give up" on his wishes.

Back to television?
According to advisers, Mr. Trump, the former "The Apprentice" reality TV star, also discussed several new media projects to maintain "popularity", including a TV channel. image or a social media company to compete with channels he perceives as "betraying" him.

There will be a news channel that competes with Fox News, seen as an ally of Mr. Trump but has angered him since the last election. Aides said Trump was furious when Fox News decided to announce Joe Biden's win in Arizona on the night of November 3, when the final outcome was still undecided.

Mr. Biden ultimately won in Arizona, but it took most of the media days to announce the results.

Mr. Trump will also partner with existing conservative networks such as One America News Network or Newsmax, which often report positively about him.
In addition, he discussed with advisers his plans to open a social media company to compete with Twitter, which often warns about his posts, particularly allegations of election fraud. Unethical. base.

However, Mr. Trump also faces significant financial challenges. In September, Forbes estimated Mr. Trump's net worth had fallen by about $600 million, to $2.5 billion in 2019. The New York Times also reported that Trump was personally liable for the debt. this. 421 USD. million dollars of the company.

Potential legal challenges

Once he leaves office, Mr. Trump will also face many legal challenges, especially since he no longer has the legal protections available to the sitting president.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has opened an investigation into Trump personally and his family company, the Trump Organization. The initial investigation focused on payments from before 2016 and two women alleging an affair with Mr Trump - which Mr.