The moment the world enters 2021 is also when many Americans count down to January 6, the last time outgoing President Donald Trump Flag challenged the results of the November 3 vote. according to Yahoo News.

After the election, most news outlets announced Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners. The states certified the voting results on December 8, and the electors met on December 14.

However, there is still some electoral work to be done between now and January 20, 2021, when Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris take office as the next president and vice president of the United States.

On January 6, Congress will hold a joint session to officially count the electoral votes submitted by the states. Electoral College ballots will enter the boardroom in ornate boxes, then members of Congress will check them, and then the incumbent vice president, as president The Senate, will declare the winner.

In this case, Vice President Mike Pence will be the one to declare victory for his opponents. It's not a pleasant feeling, but previous vice presidents, including Richard Nixon in 1961 and Al Gore in 2001, had to do the job.

The states have finished counting the votes of the electors. Mr. Biden won with a total of 306 electoral votes, while incumbent President Trump won only 232 votes (the candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win). Mr. Biden also won 7 million more popular votes than Mr. Trump.

However, since November 3, Mr. Trump 2024 Flag has refused to concede defeat to Mr. Biden. The incumbent president repeatedly claimed that he had indeed won the election, and asserted that it was a large-scale voter fraud, although he did not provide concrete evidence. The Trump campaign and his team of lawyers have filed more than 50 lawsuits, from the state level to the Supreme Court, but all have been denied.

Even so, Trump supporters secretly believe in an unexpected "turning point," like the tweet the outgoing President tweets daily.

The Electoral College Vote Counting Act of 1887 required the vice president to preside over the verification of electoral votes and to confirm the winner of the presidential election.

On December 27, Congressman Louie Gohmert, representing Texas, and a group of Arizona Republicans filed a lawsuit against Pence in the United States District Court, arguing that the 1887 statute was unconstitutional and that he was legally entitled. legislation to gain the support of the electorate. Mr. Trump on January 6.

"Vice President Pence, as President of the Senate and Chairman of the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021, is, under the 12th Amendment, subject only to the requirements of the 12th Amendment. and has full and exclusive right to determine the number of electoral votes to be counted for a state," the lawsuit states.

Trump's Republican allies may also choose a different path. If at least one House member and one senator object to the election result, the objection will be put to a vote after two hours of debate.

Several House Republicans - including Representative Georgia Jody Hice, who was recently re-elected - have said they will oppose the election results in Georgia, one of the states Mr. Trump is condemning. . forced extraordinary elections.

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On the Senate side, the situation is less certain. Inaugural Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama proposed but did not confirm that he would also oppose.

Efforts to sway the election results in Trump's favor need to be approved by a majority of representatives in both houses. Even if the vote count were to align with Republican goals, it would still be defeated by a majority of Democrats in the House.

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Several Republicans in the Senate also disagreed with the objection, including Mitch McConnell, the majority leader (who provoked Mr. Joe Biden after voters cast their ballots).

So it's hard to imagine a situation where opposing a single state's vote count could make a difference - not to mention multiple states having to change the outcome of an election.

So just wait and see. Even if the date on the calendar changes, the election won't end until the vice president speaks.
