[HOT 2021] Fuck Joe Biden Flag Anti Joe Biden Flag Home Decor Flag

S. George Marano holds a Ph.D. from the School of Management at RMIT University, Australia, and a PhD in business administration and a PhD in commerce from RMIT University. Here is his article "4 years from now: why the American people are protected like will vote for Donald Trump" posted on SCMP.

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As the US presidential election waged a fierce revival and the battle for souls close-up, many analysts said this year's election promises to be like any election. took place in American history. Not tolerating illness, social instability and 4 years running the White House with many conceptions, a non-executive system, management in the November race will allow President Donald Trump 2024 Flag to persuade voters to Continued in the position for another 4 years, even though he has not had a fault in the past.


With what's going on, it could be seen that Trump exposing the weaknesses of rival Joe Biden will voters move towards voting for him to guide his second term.

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The diplomatic disability and a distinctive color are hallmarks of Mr. Trump's four-year presidency. By activating the support of the defenders to encourage proceeding against him, Mr. Trump increased the rift in American society, this election became even more divided.

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Like 2016, a victory for Mr. Trump is being eliminated, with the lead of many media outlets. Disregarding the lessons of the 2016 election, many political commentators have replaced analytical features with hostility to predict a resounding victory for Mr. Biden. All in all, the upcoming election could win Trump, Biden lose - and the outcome is likely to be quite high.

At the Democratic National Congress, the policies presented covered a variety of issues such as free college education for low-income families, global warming initiatives, and minimum wage increases. and civil rights for undocumented workers, the health care policy song for all homes (Medicare For All) was not updated to, when tracking the April results, here is back to the policy list. receive. support from 69% of registered voters to vote.

In the background of unemployment and the power of equipment associated with work, this is not essential to argue. To counter this, Trump launched the same campaign as 2016, turning himself into a small target while directing all his attention and watching closely to the National Congress. Democracy.

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Mr. Trump, as president, can use the stock recovery challenge trigger packages, as long as the packages will continue to be implemented until November. back, ”he considered himself the position of Main Street (Main Street - the term to collectively refer to American small independent businesses or to the middle class, who suffered a lot from the crisis. financial and very few benefits from the economic rescue plan).

Other issues such as relations with China, with NATO allies as well as many other international issues are also part of this strategy.

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The "anyone but Trump" mentality is strong, but defeating a management system is not easy. American history shows that from 1900 to the present, only 5 presidents failed in the election for the second term. Most recently President George H.W. Bush lost to young candidate Bill Clinton in the 1992 election.

As a senator and former president, Biden is an experienced politician but he lacks the opportunity to convince the American people that he is the right man to replace President Trump. Even with the choice of Kamala Harris as a common killer to attract election of minorities and people of color, the strategist of the Democratic Institute still took the wrong approach.

Underlying the democratic cynicism strategy were those who chose Mr. Biden over more well-known candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Mr. Sanders is a person who has received great support from the working electoral class for the issues raised in operating the public health.

With Mr. Biden's choice, Democracy's stance is to maintain the current state of the economy instead of the popular but socialist redistribution policy proposed by Mr. Sanders. This policy is the reason Mr. Sanders attracts huge support from young voters, who make up the largest proportion of the young voter group.

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By far, Mr Trump's greatest strength has been to expose Mr. Biden's weaknesses. With the ability to control social media, convey a message directly to the American people, Trump is expected to attract voters' attention to his achievements, while amplifying Mr. Biden's shortcomings. , including contradictions, disguised votes on war and social security, allegations of plagiarism and inappropriate conduct of women, as well as the business and personal scandals of Mr. Hunter's son Biden.

Biden's weaknesses have been revealed, but have yet to be fully exploited. For Ms. Harris, the forecasts emerge with controversial personal issues - far from the dominant value of American politics to public opinion.

Denying any of these allegations could overshadow the Democrats' positives - including its policy advantages and Harris's election as vice president - ahead of its bleak four years. Trump.

Observers also believe that Trump 2024 Flag will soon accelerate attacks like "whatever can be used", with almost no common denominator making it difficult for Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris to protest. 

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The Democrats' stance to maintain the moral foundation, as Hillary Clinton did, would be ineffective and leave some voters dissatisfied with the current US situation and downplayed.

After all, Mr. Trump's strongest advantage in the November race is what his most "ugly" are no secret. From his escape from Russia's meddling in the 2016 US election to his attempts to impeach him have all failed miserably. Hardly anything regarding him has yet to be brought to light.

 With Fuck Biden Flag great support, Mr. Trump will gradually close the gap as election day approaches, and face three head-on debates, Mr. Biden will be a pretty easy opponent. Remember that in the race four years ago, Hillary Clinton was left behind by Mr. Trump until election day.


Although many predict that Mr. Biden will win the election, we are living in a time of unprecedented uncertainty. With the United States facing both economic and social difficulties and Biden susceptible to mistakes, it is predictable that Trump will master the Democratic stance to his advantage. .

The election campaigns are heating up as the time of November 3 is approaching, it can be said that Mr. Trump is considering himself the savior of the United States and convincing voters to still vote for the general term. second system.

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