Life Fuck Biden Flag - Life Joe Biden Hot 2021

With 264 electoral votes won as announced by AP and Fox News, Democratic candidate Biden is likely to become the 46th president of the United States. By this point, many had begun to think about his challenging first term in the White House.

Biden's first and foremost challenge in these early successors is perhaps the many serious problems facing the US, including prominent partisan divisions, the risk of President Donald Trump's rejection. transfer of delegate rights. force and Covid-19.

The first scenario that could give Biden a headache is President Donald Trump's refusal to accept defeat. Mr. Trump could demand a recount of votes in states that lost to Biden and spark a weeks-long legal battle. Trump's inability to work with Biden's team to carry out the 11-week transition of power.
A Biden presidency could begin with the risk of being caught between two irreconcilable forces, an entrenched Trump faction and a tired, bored Democrat.
The most dire scenario for Biden's presidency is for Republicans to retain control of the Senate. While Biden has the upper hand over Trump Flag, many Democrats have been unable to prevail in the Senate race.
Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina, and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell were both re-elected. Democrats could also lose many seats in the House. Newcomers may even be more "Trumpists" than the President himself. One of them is Marjorie Taylor Greene, an ardent supporter of the far-right conspiracy theory group QAnon. Any chance to break the Republican craze, as former president Barack Obama once said, is eliminated.

Biden could still pass some parts of his agenda on health care coverage for Americans, investments in green technology, and tuition waivers for middle-class students, Trump Flag.

Edward Luce, in an analysis in the Financial Times, said that Biden will not have the opportunity to remove Senate barriers, add new states to the US such as Puerto Rico and the Special District of Colombia, or be unable to expand the Court. Supreme Court. high. If there is a vacancy on the court with a 6-3 margin in favor of conservatives, McConnell could simply "block the door" of Biden's candidacy.

"The best Fuck Biden Flag can hope for is a modest stimulus package," Luce wrote, while describing Biden as "a lame duck" for being president without the ability to control the Senate.

Deals with Mr McConnell would be something the rest of the Democrats should avoid, but without the cooperative efforts of both houses, the Biden government will not be able to do much, according to Edward Luce. Luce, according to Edward Luce.

In this situation, Mr. McConnell has the upper hand. Some issues, like the federal Covid-19 plan, can be done by decree, but others, like appointing officials, require Senate approval.
"The wise choice for Biden is to appoint at least one or two Republicans to the cabinet. But the left will hate this," Luce said.

With the difficulty of finding a consensus voice between the two sides, Biden may also face many obstacles in the fight against Covid-19. The Democratic candidate and his allies have tried to turn the presidential election into a referendum on how Trump has handled the pandemic.

Adam Tooze, a history professor at Columbia University, said it was not a "winning card". Nearly half of Americans disagree with President Trump's performance on Covid-19, the pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 people. If Biden is elected, the fight against Covid-19 will rest on his shoulders and this is certainly not an easy task in the early days of his term.
Without a collective effort to combat Covid-19, this battle can only rely on the arrival of a vaccine. However, this path is not guaranteed to be successful, according to Tooze.
Many public opinion surveys show that no more than half of Americans are willing to get a vaccine, even if it is successfully developed. In particular, the anti-vaccination wave focused mainly on the Republican group of Americans. As a result, the US cannot successfully control the pandemic and may have to close many places, severely affecting communities and small businesses.

The economy is in recession with millions still unemployed due to the effects of the pandemic will be a difficult problem for Biden if he becomes president, anti Joe Biden, Fuck Biden Flag Hat
The second major challenge of the Biden administration is foreign policy. The Democratic presidential candidate has vowed to make significant changes to US foreign policy if he wins the November 3 election. Many people close to the former US vice president believe that when he takes office, Biden will immediately reverse a series of policies of the Trump administration on many issues, from Iran, Collection fuck Biden Flag climate change, Covid-19.